Status update

This page contains information about the current state of Galaxy Australia server.

May 17, 2018, 11:31. Many jobs are queued on Galaxy Australia. Expect long queuing time, eg over 24 hours for all multi-CPUs jobs. It is ok to submit new jobs. Do not delete the queued jobs.

May 16, 2018, 17:17. A big group of UQ students use Galaxy Australia for assignments. The server is fully loaded, with many queued jobs. Expect long queuing time for all submitted jobs.

May 14, 2018. Our provider had a power incident at the data centre over the weekend, and Galaxy Australia was unavailable for two days. The server is back online. Users can resubmit the failed jobs.

March 28, 2018. 15:58. The server has crashed again. We are working on the fix.
Update. The server is back online.

March 28, 2018. 10:19. The server has crashed, with all nodes down. We are rebooting the cluster.
Update. 10:46. Galaxy Australia is back online. Users may need to log in. All submitted jobs were lost during the reboot. It is ok to re-submit the jobs.

March 26, 2018, 17:22. Two users submitted over thousand jobs to Galaxy Australia. The server is nearly fully loaded, with many queued jobs. Expect delays with multi-CPUs, eg assemble, Blastx.

March 22, 2018. 17:40. The server is very busy, with several big jobs (assemblies, Blastx) waiting for resources.

March 22, 2018. 12:35. Today a big group of students use the server for assignments. The server is fully loaded. Expect long queued time for submitted jobs. The next assignment sessions are planned on March 28 (afternoon) and March 29 (starting at the morning).

February 27, 2018. 13:40. Several worker nodes were failed. The cluster was rebooted. The issue was resolved after 2PM.